Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Good morning everyone,

As already mentioned yesterday on Facebook here is the review of Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, a book sent to me by the DeA Planeta for the review.

I’m very happy to be able to review this book that since it was published has not had anything but success. Soon, also, the film based on this world bestseller will be released.

I must admit that I personally had mixed feelings about the book. In reading, for the first 50 pages, it seemed that the writing was rough, it seemed that it had never been revised, for the simple fact that things were repeated continuously, the situations that were about to happen were first mentioned and explained, and then explained with more details. But it soon recovered as soon as the adventure really started.

The book is set in a future world where fuel is gone and the hope of many comes from the hidden legacy left by Halliday, creator of a virtual world that has been a great success, which allows not only to play but also to go to school and study for real. Place where our protagonist Wade spends most of his days.

On Oasis he also meets many people never seen in reality, like his best friend Aech, who is also looking for the treasure.

Everything becomes more interesting when Wade one day discovers the location of the first key that will lead him to victory. After taking this key he also meets Art3mis, a blogger and gunter he is in love with from years.

There are a lot of riddles to decipher, and certainly they are not easy since we are talking about a wealth of thousands and thousands of dollars.

After finding the first key and going through the first door Wade’s life becomes more and more complicated. Now he can not stand back, but he must also be careful of the other Gunter who want the treasure at all costs.

It’s a very intriguing book. I can’t wait for the movie to come out, even if a difference can already be seen in the trailer. Wade himself says in the book to be a plump boy because he is always on Oasis, and in the film it is not so, but it is certainly not his physical appearance that will indicate how similar the movie is to the book.

Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Give some advise for the next article.

To the next time,


Ready Player One by Ernest Cline

Pubblicato da Me and Books

Mi chiamo Miriam e sono l'amministratore di Me and Books. Ho tante passioni, ma le più grandi sono la lettura e la scrittura, ed ho creato questo blog proprio per poter condividere le mie passioni. Penso che recensire un libro sia una cosa molto importante che richiede tempo e dedizione. A volte un lettore prima di scegliere un libro vuole sapere che quello che sta scegliendo è quello giusto, e le recensioni servono proprio per questo, per aiutare il lettore a scegliere. Ma questo è anche un modo per aiutare autore e case editrici a farsi conoscere. È anche per questo che pubblico gli articoli sia in italiano che in inglese, per non lasciare nessuno fuori. Vi chiedo di non esitare a pormi qualsiasi domanda sul mondo dell'editoria, spero solo di riuscire a fornire la risposta perfetta.