Riverdale: The Poison Pen by Caleb Roehrig

Riverdale: The Poison Pen by Caleb Roehrig

Riverdale: The Poison Pen by Caleb Roehrig

Here we are again Books Lovers,

[Edit: can you believe that I read the book, wrote the review, did everything, with the certainty that the author of this volume was still Micol Ostow, only to discover from the cover that it wasn’t her ?! XD imagine what it would have looked like if I had published the review with the name of Micol everywhere hahaha]

new Riverdale season, in the publishing world translates into a new book on the TV series. And like every year, mondadori comes to the aid of us readers, once again bringing to Italy the new volume of this series of books that can be read both after having seen the TV series, as a stand alone, and also only as a book saga.

The new volume is titled the Poisoned Pen, and follows the events of the TV series chronologically between the fourth and fifth season, but in reality the sixth season will soon be airing, in which there will be a big twist because there will be a crossover of 5 episodes with Sabrina. In these five episodes, she’s going to be in Riverdale to help our characters with a not-so-natural mystery.

Returning to the book instead, every time I am amazed at how a book based on stories taken from a TV series manages to have a flowing story, very in theme with the CW series, but at the same time super original. The personalities of the characters are the same, the setting is the same, but each time we read a story that otherwise we would not have had the opportunity to see on the small screen. As I may have said another time, these books are the perfect way to occupy the time between seasons by staying in the world of Riverdale.

Then, of course, if the series is not enough for you, and the books are not enough, there are always the Archie Comics from which the TV series was based. Returning to the plot, the poisoned pen will again involve Archie, Veronica, Jug, Betty, Sheryl, Kevin, Toni and the other characters that we have come to love in these six years.

In this new adventure there will be a new mystery to solve. High school is over, at the end of the summer everyone will take their own path, the gang will split up to meet again who knows when, and therefore they would like to live this last summer to the fullest. But there is always something or someone preventing things from going as planned. Letters start to arrived, signed Poison Pen, with threats written on them. Our kids are being blackmailed into doing what is written above.

Instead of spending the summer they wanted, they find themselves having to follow the sometimes devastating orders of a character hiding behind a pen. They will have to find out who it is before the end of the summer and especially before this makes all their secrets public.

A beautiful new adventure, certainly to be read in one breath, and return, even if briefly, to Riverdale, where nothing is ever quiet, and secrets never remain secret. I give a little more than 4 stars to this new volume. And now, since they are all stories that take place in the interval between one season and another, I expect a new book that goes from the 5th to the 6th season.

Riverdale: The Poison Pen by Caleb Roehrig

Riverdale: The Poison Pen by Caleb Roehrig

Riverdale: The Poison Pen by Caleb Roehrig

Pubblicato da Me and Books

Mi chiamo Miriam e sono l'amministratore di Me and Books. Ho tante passioni, ma le più grandi sono la lettura e la scrittura, ed ho creato questo blog proprio per poter condividere le mie passioni. Penso che recensire un libro sia una cosa molto importante che richiede tempo e dedizione. A volte un lettore prima di scegliere un libro vuole sapere che quello che sta scegliendo è quello giusto, e le recensioni servono proprio per questo, per aiutare il lettore a scegliere. Ma questo è anche un modo per aiutare autore e case editrici a farsi conoscere. È anche per questo che pubblico gli articoli sia in italiano che in inglese, per non lasciare nessuno fuori. Vi chiedo di non esitare a pormi qualsiasi domanda sul mondo dell'editoria, spero solo di riuscire a fornire la risposta perfetta.