All of this is true by Lygia Day Penaflor

All of this is true by Lygia Day Penaflor

All of this is true by Lygia Day Penaflor

Ehi Books Lovers,

lately I’m not very active as usual 🙁 I have so many readings for events that I couldn’t read anything else, but I hope to resume the usual rhythm as soon as possible.

But today I’m here to review All of this is true by Lygia Day Penaflor for the Review Party organized by Sonia of Esmeralda viaggi e libri that I thank for involving me. The book is published by Piemme and is out today.

All of this is true is a bit of a particular book, especially with regard to its narrative. The stories are told by some of the characters, by Penny and Miri, through an interview that is given to them, and by Soleil through the pages of her diary. They tell in chronological order when they met their idol, Fatima Ro, author of the moment, she found success at the age of 20. They meet her at a signing and Fatima herself seems to be very attracted to the guys. Soleil, Miri, Penny, Jonah and Fatima immediately become friends. The book itself could be seen as a book of friendship, except that what was between them in the end turns out to be everything but a friendship.

The guys end up telling all their secrets to Fatima, and she, unbeknownst to them, transcribe them in her new book. Not everyone takes it the same way. They feel betrayed, betrayed by the person they admired the most.

Although the plot of the book may seem a little confusing for the constant changes of views, because the chapters are very short, the story itself is very smooth. And it is precisely these peculiarities that I think give more potential to this book. Let’s say in the end there’s a little mystery to solve, because you don’t really know what happened to Jonah, who was beaten and is in the hospital, and it’s nice to go through the whole story to finally find out the truth.

All of this is true by Lygia Day Penaflor

All of this is true by Lygia Day Penaflor


All of this is true by Lygia Day Penaflor

Pubblicato da Me and Books

Mi chiamo Miriam e sono l'amministratore di Me and Books. Ho tante passioni, ma le più grandi sono la lettura e la scrittura, ed ho creato questo blog proprio per poter condividere le mie passioni. Penso che recensire un libro sia una cosa molto importante che richiede tempo e dedizione. A volte un lettore prima di scegliere un libro vuole sapere che quello che sta scegliendo è quello giusto, e le recensioni servono proprio per questo, per aiutare il lettore a scegliere. Ma questo è anche un modo per aiutare autore e case editrici a farsi conoscere. È anche per questo che pubblico gli articoli sia in italiano che in inglese, per non lasciare nessuno fuori. Vi chiedo di non esitare a pormi qualsiasi domanda sul mondo dell'editoria, spero solo di riuscire a fornire la risposta perfetta.